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Multi Thread dll program


New member

Any one know about how to execute multi thread dll protoolkit program.

main function never work. only work user_initialize() and user_terminate()

how can executemain function.

int main(int argc, char**argv)

FILE*fp; fp = fopen("work test", "w+");

// Never work... in main function.
fprintf(fp, "Welcome to PRO/TOOLKIT -the \"pt_example\" program\n");

ProToolkitMain(argc, argv);

<A name=anchor-77></A> return (0);

int user_initialize(
int argc, /** Number of arguments **/
char *argv[], /** Pro/E arguments **/
char *proe_vsn, /** Pro/E version **/
<A name=anchor-79></A> char *build, /** Pro/E build **/
wchar_t err_buff[]) /** Error buffer **/
// "It's work".....


void user_terminate()
I never used main() in my codes. Syncronius mode

I used only user_initialize() without parameters. But in this routine you must call at least one ProToolkit function. There is none in your code. Check the manual.

Then, user intialize should return a value. Check declaration. I don't see a return in your code.



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