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default model


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how to set the open prt become default model for the new drw.

my problem is, when i create a new drw, the default model always select the first opened prt but not the current one. anybody can help? thks
Place the view in the part and save the orientation. Use this orientation in the drawing, using General option. You can save any no. of such orientations with whatever name you want.

Hope it helps

Hi Yongty,

My understanding is that:-

If you have say 3 parts open And you create a new drawing.

The drawing selects the first part to have been opened as its default. Not your current part.

1) Make certian that the window of the part you want use for the drawing is active before creating the new drawing.

Its easy to miss.

2) Change the default model:-

VIEW - DWG MODEL - ADD MODEL and select the right model.

You can then delete the unwanted model.


Just to add something.

If you have 3 parts open and Pro/E selects first part not wanted one, you can select wanted one in a field Default Model. Choose In Session option and pick desired part.




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