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Update PROI_REVISION from pro_e (mapkey?)


New member
I'm trying to streamline our publishing/checkin process. We publish to DXF's (for general distribution) AND also checkin to Intralink 3.4 using baselines. Yes, it's redundant - that's another issue.

I'm tryign to remove some of the multiple data inputs that invariably cause problems - and am looking at using proi_revision:d instead of manually entering the rev.This works fine after the part is updated, but is there a way to easily update it from within Pro-E?

Currently we have a mapkey for adding a rev to the rev block. It would be ideal if this mapkey could "bump" or ask for the next rev level. I suspect this is asking a bit much, but it can't hurt to ask.

When I say update, I mean can I actually CHANGETHE REV FROM WITHIN PRO-E? i.e., not have to go to MODIFY in Intralink.

This is WF2.0 and Intralink 3.4.


You cannot modify proi_revision directly in proe.

A mapkey could be set up to call an external program (e.g Autoit - a free program). This could then start an intralink script which modifies the revision automatically, then use file/replace in proe to udate the drawing and parts.
Interesting. I haven't done anything with Intralink scripting, I'll have to look into it.

Thanks - Scott


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