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surfacing expert

It looks like:
how do u define god???
I was curious because I saw a job posting and wondered if there were different definitions of surfacing expert out there.
Defination of "being expert in something" varies from person to person....there is no absolute benchmark to measure...for one person expert is who can model stylish mobile phone,....on the other side, one will not call a person an expert who can model complicated car parts in surfacing...all it depends on ur eye(
Note: I am not expert in surfacing..and relating to my last post, I am an agnostic person..!!
Malcolm Gladwell defined an expert as someone with 10 years and 10,000 hours of deliberate,intense practice in their field.

deliberate intense practice- work that ishighly demanding mentallyand requiring high levels of focus& concentration.Work that involves constant and continuous improvement. Repetition, continuous feedback, and self assessment.
Hi Bart,

You've got a typo in your job advert at the top.
"... within a design team of a major manufacture."

Good luck with the expert!
design-engine said:

Another great study on expertise was done by Dan Coyle in the Talent Code.
His premise comes down to three things: coaching, motivation and practice.

He talks about REPS:

R stands for Reaching/Repeating.

E stands for Engagement.

P stands for Purposefulness
S stands for Strong, Direct, Immediate Feedback

I don't know about you, but while our work can be demanding, most of us aren't reaching for a gold medal every week. Personally, I would want to see evidence of continuous training like in the courses you offer from any expert. That would be proof enough for me.


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