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Search date range in script


New member
I'm trying to modify an Intralink 3.4 script to allow me to search for files created over a time period. I would like it set so that, whenever it runs, it will look at the previous seven days. The script as Intralink created it gave me the lines:

IL.addFilter( "Created On", "<=", new Object[]{new java.util.Date(1203351660000L) } ); // recorded step: 9
IL.addFilter( "Created On", ">", new Object[]{new java.util.Date(1202746860000L) } ); // recorded step: 10

I changed the first line to:

IL.addFilter( "Created On", "<=", new Object[]{new java.util.Date() } ); // recorded step: 9

and it now selects from the time that the script runs, but I cannot figure out how to set the second line to always be seven days (or 604800000 milliseconds) less than the first. Is there a Java function or something else to accomplish this?
Here is what I used to get the previous month for Intralink 3.3. You will have to create the code to obtain 7 days previous. There may be a simpler way to do this that I do not know.

************************************************************ **************************
// Version: Intralink v.3.3, ()
// Start Macro Recording
import com.ptc.intralink.client.script.*;
import com.ptc.intralink.script.*;

import java.text.*;

public class date extends ILIntralinkScript {
ILIntralinkScriptInterface IL = (ILIntralinkScriptInterface)getScriptInterface();

private void run0 () throws Exception {

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
String mydate = sdf.format(new java.util.Date());
int dateindex1 = mydate.indexOf('/');
int dateindex2 = mydate.lastIndexOf('/');
String mymonth = mydate.substring(dateindex1+1, dateindex2);
String myyear = mydate.substring(dateindex2+1, dateindex2 +5);
int mth = Integer.parseInt(mymonth);
int year = Integer.parseInt(myyear);

mth = mth - 1;
if (mth == 0) {
mth = 12;
year = year - 1;

String newmth = Integer.toString(mth);
String newyear = Integer.toString(year);
String checkdate = mydate.substring(0, dateindex1+1) + newmth + ("/") + newyear +

mydate.substring(dateindex2+5, mydate.length());

IL.addFilter( "Created On", ">=", new Object[]{checkdate} );

} // End of run0
public void run () throws Exception {
run0 (); // recorded
} // End of function

} // End Macro Recording

************************************************************ ************************

Hope this helps

I have very little knowledge about Intralink and no Java knowledge, but was wondering if it's possible when checking in a part in Intralink 3.4 to have it check if a parameter 'drawn_date' in a part is consistent with the currrent date. We have this parameter defined as a string value and set it to 'dd-mm-yyyy'.

Ideally I want to be warned when trying to check-in a part with the wrong date in the parameter...

Is this possible?
Yes, what you describe sounds possible. I have used date comparison in scripts - I have not done it with a dateas astring value but Java has a function for that conversion.

Marc Mettes and Dwaraka Nadha Reddy Manchuri have written some excellent tutorials on scripting. If you're interested in learning more, check out the caddigest website.


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