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Rubber Bonded to Steel ProMechanica


New member
I need help to model rubber bonded to steel in ProMechanica?

I hope some body can give me some tips.

Basically I have to model a 3 layers ofmaterial. The 1st layer is steel, the 2nd layer is rubber and the 3rd layer is steel. The rubber layer is bonded to the 1st and 3rd layer. I need to study the effects on the steel and rubber if multiple force loading are applied.

I need to know is there a way to assign the rubber bonding to steel, can I use weld (edge/perimeter?) and can I change the weld material properties.

Is this analysis possible in ProMechanica?

In a word... No

The rubber is going to defnintaly behave in a non-linear manner. P-Elements do not support this. I'm not an expert in elastermers, but, know enough that this is pretty tricky stuff, best left to the expert I am not.


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