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Pro/Mechanica Thermal


New member
is there someone who knows where I can find some example or tutorial for Pro/Mechanica Thermal?

Thanks in Advance

Hi, it was part of my Master's Thesis performing thermomechanical analysis of a disk brake. Unfortunately you cant do itwith mechanica unless you want todo just a static structural analysis.
Edited by: sezerserhan
I know it's not a simple problem. Is it possible to have some information from your Master's Thesis???? I'm very curious about your thesis

What Company do you work in?Are you working in automotive field?

Thanks rafpax
After having found that subject quite complex and impossible with Pro/E&Mechanica (another reason was that my universtiy did not buy a new license for Pro/E), i switched my direction of learning to work onFEA- ANSYS, ABAQUS etc. again.

There is an italianprofessor in MIT (Massac. Inst. of Techn. in Boston) who also worked on thermomechanical analysis of a disk brake a while ago, around 1995.

I had found it quite useful before i stopped working on this subject. He used ANSYS, but honestly he skipped in his paper some important details to mentionwhich were necessary to perfom FEA. If you are interested, visit this website you will see some literature review and more details about my work, which ended a year ago.
Edited by: sezerserhan
Thermal analysis in ProE and similar fea based programmes, is the solution of the energy equation with appropraite boundary conditions. In your case, I assume that your intention is to analyse the rotating part of the brake, if my assumption is correct then you have to check to see if you can introduce the rim velocity as part of the boundary condition, this is a moving boundary condition.
You cannot do that in Pro/Mechanica as i mentioned before.B.C. exist inmechanica are convection, cyclic sym. and temperature, andheat flux as a thermal load.

You cannot implement velocity to therotor of a disk brakeas a boundary condition in Mechanica)

Edited by: sezerserhan


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