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pro e drafting


New member
hi friends my doubt is when am using standard tamp lets in drafting of pro e i
could t able to wright ant thing on that if i want to wright i mean "
text" what i have to do to activate the tables and wright on tables could u pleas
suggest me pleas its very urgent pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssss and also how to insert a 3d view indication object in drawing pleasssssssssss friends
A standard format will have tables that either have parametric calloutsor have tables that you fill in. To do this you double click in the cell and type.

To insert a new view in a drawing, RMB anywhere inside the format and insert general view.

If I'm reading this correctly you are a starter in proe and would advise that you either get some tutorials on this or get some training.


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