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Place point on highest point of surface


New member

I need to enter dimensions for maximum width, height and thickness of a part into a drawing. The outside of the part consists soleley of design surfaces, so it has no edges to measure on directly. Therefor I want to place points in 3D on the part's surfaces to use for the dimensioning in the drawing.

Now I have 2 questions about this:

1) How do I place a point on the exact place of a surface that is the farthest away from a coordinate system plane (e.g. XY plane) or the closest to this plane (for minimum width)?

2) Is it possible to 'catch' the maximum distance in a specific direction directly in a drawing view.

Thank you for any help!
Can you create a dimension in the drawing view that goes from the plane to"tangent" to your surface? If not you may have to create your point by "sketching" it. To do this, on the top tool bar, select Insert, Model Datum>, Point>, Sketched. You should be able to draw a centerline and make it tangent to your surface. Then place a point anywhere on the centerline. Then in drawing mode, create the dimension.
Thank you for your quick reply.
I can't manage to create 'tangent' dimensions or tangent centerlines in 2D, because the curvature of the surfaces is not defined by radii, but it comes from 'freeform' surfaces. The outline of the part you see in the 2D view is actually a 'silhouette curve' due to the projection, so I can't reference this outline in 2D in any way I think?

Also it is preferred to have these points created in 3D, because of the easier placement and changing.

For better understanding:
Imagine a surface shaped like the waves in a pool and then try to
determine the highest point on the highest wave to my reference, the
flat pool floor. That's what I need.
Can you create a plane that is tangent to your surface & parrallel to the bottom of the pool? Or maybe you could try this: Create a datum plane that is above the "waves". Then get the distance from this plane to the highest wave, (A). Get the distance from this plane to the bottom of the pool, (B). Create your pointthat is on a plane (B-A). This is not parametric, but it will work for this one drawing.

You could use analysis.

1)create "field point" on surface of interest.

View attachment 2264

View attachment 2265

2)create analysis feature that measures distance between "field point" and some reference (in this case it was datum plane TOP).

3)group "field point" and analysis feature.

4)create new analysis feature of UDA type. Use distance parameter that you created as criteria. You will see something like this..

View attachment 2266

5) Make Pro/Eng create datum point that at the MAX distance (uda_max_point...).

6) And here you are (I renamed point to "TOP_POINT").

View attachment 2267

I hope this helps.
Thank you both for your replies.

@appinmi: This will work, but yes, it's not parametric. Right now I've just placed points by hand, which is accurate enough, but also not parametric.

@denisvragolan: This seems to be working. But since I haven't used analysis features before (I'm sort of a newbie) I got stuck at step 4 trying to create the analysis feature. I'll try again later using the ProE help of this function.
But nevertheless this seems truly parametric, but it's quite a lot of work!

Can't ProE do anything the easy way? ;-)
you just select Insert-Model datum-Analysis, then dialogue will show, you should confirm the option measure in type and always in regenrequestis clicked. then click next. select distance in type, select an plane and surface as show in the picture, then click close. click result datums in tree, double click PNT_FORM, confirm yes in createis select. My english no good, hope you can understand.

View attachment 2273
Hello again.

@hlf71 Your solution works! And even better: it's parametric and just 1 element in the 3D part. I guess there is an easy way after all :)

Thank you all for your help!
Hi all,

I have tried to use the method suggested by hlf71, but this option is not available on ProE WF5. This is the window that appears:

<div style="text-align: center;">View attachment 5351

<div style="text-align: left;">Anyone can help me, please?

Thank you



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