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Making Instances Independent


New member
I have a Family Table and some drawings of the instances. Does anyone know a procedure where I can make the instances independent of the generic (and ultimately delete the generic model) but keep the dependence between the (fomer) instance and the drawing of it?
I can of course make the instance independent by saving a copy and renaming it bt I cant seem to keep it linked to the drawing.

Guy90 said:
I can of course make the instance independent by saving a copy and renaming it bt I cant seem to keep it linked to the drawing.


Hit he point, but before You must switch master model in the drawing to the instance. Then make instance independent. Move files to another folder, change the name of instance to previous one, open drawing, rename the name of insrtance to proper one. Save a drawing.

Complex? Sure it is! If You are not using PDM/PLM software(Intralink,PRO/PDM, PDMLINK) all those actions regarding instances and their drawing are at least to say a PIA!
This procedure works well for us, and is less complex than other solutions.

Procedure to Breakup family tables.

Before starting, add this line to your try_noninst_on_fail YES

1. If using PDM, Ensure that all models that you will be working with are in a workable state.

2. Again, if using PDM, Check out ALL family table members. (Generic and instances)

3. Open the Generic

4. Open each instance to be removed from the table into session.

5. Switch to the Generic.

6. Delete each instance row that is open. Or if you are deleting the entire table, and once all family table instances are open. TOOLS > FAMILY TABLE > Delete Entire Table

7. Save all "instances". Which really aren't instances anymore, just standalone parts. DO NOT change the name. Just save.

8. Save the "generic". Which may not be a generic anymore, just a standalone part.

9. All the selected parts are now standalone. Open any assemblies and drawings that call for the parts to make sure that they open correctly.


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