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Line thickness control


New member

How I can control the line thickness on my printed copy? Sometime I
would like to have a object line to be printed little bit lighter or

Thank you for help.
Look up Pen table files. Here is an example:

!Pro/E geometry lines are white on the screen, plot with broad pen #2 (0.250mm)
pen 2 thickness .025 cm; drawing_color attention_color
!Everything else plots with fine pen #1 (0.125mm)
pen 1 thickness .0125 cm; half_tone_color
pen 3 thickness .0125 cm; dimmed_color
pen 4 thickness .0125 cm; edge_highlite_color
pen 5 thickness .0125 cm; letter_color
pen 6 thickness .0125 cm; highlite_color
pen 7 thickness .0125 cm; magenta_color
pen 8 thickness .0125 cm; section_color
I have no clue, where to look and what to look for pen table file. I
searched through entire driveC for table.pnt file and couldn't find.
Could you please direct me on this?

Thank you
You have to make it, PTC does not supply one by default. Like most Pro/E control files it is just text. Put it someplace with your drawing formats, templates, etc and set the option pen_table_file to point to it. Or you can put it in your .pcf plotter control file(s).

<h1>To Change Plotting Pen Attributes</h1>
You can change the attributes and assign your own line font,
thickness, or color to a pen using the table.pnt file.
Any attribute that you specify overwrites the default instructions.
The format for an entry in the table.pnt file is
as follows:
pen # pattern values units; thickness value
units; color values; <color_name>;
<ul><li ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Bulleted">


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