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I need your help!


New member
Dear Sirs,

Please help to letme know why I output Pro into Heidehein and it is found as follows:

5084 L X-5. Y0. Z-40.
5085 CC X0. Y0. F800. (machine alarm error here)
5086 C X0. Y-5. DR+
5087 L X-15. F1000.
5088 CC X0. Y0. F800. (machine alarm error here)
5089 C X0. Y-15. DR+

Value F are not after DR+ / DR- and machine alarm error!

Please help and how can I with it? I use pro wildfire-Heidenhein TNC 530 Mikcron machine.

Awaiting your reply, thank you very much!

Please contact me: [email protected] or [email protected]

If the program ran until line 5000 then maybe the 800. exceeds the maximum feedrate.

Call me Kent 269-663-5515


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