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Help w/Report relations

Hello All,

I have a very simple problem, and I hope the solution is equally simple. I have a repeat region that uses the parameter. I want to change the value of that parameter on 2 components.

For example, the currently equals "123_part1" & "123_part2" on my parts. But I want them to show up in the repeat region as just "123"

As far as purchasing and manufacturing are concerned, the parts are the same, so I want them to show up on the BOM as being the same with their combined qty shown in the rpt.qty column. I'm hoping that part will update automatically.


You can't show both parts in one line with the qty combined, because they are different parts, if it was the same part then yes.

1. But if you don't mind having 2 lines in BOM with the same name you can do the following:
create in one part a parameter called name_overide as string and fill it with 123. Then in drawing go to table / repeat region / relation (click on the repeat region table) and enter the following:

if exists("asm_mbr_name_overide")

And replace in your repeat region the & with &rpt.rel.real_name
With this you can overide the pro-e name of a part in drawing whenever you want.

2. Or there is a second way:

The same as above but you will create a parameter called qty_overide as string and give it a value, in your case 2.

Then in drawing go to repeat region relations and write:

if exists("asm_mbr_qty_overide")

And replace in your repeat region the &rpt.qty with &rpt.rel.qty

This way you can overide the qty of a part in drawing. (but with the second one you will have to filter the second part not to show in repeat region)

edit: if you have problems with adding those relations to the repeat region because of parameters then see this for a solution: [url] 440&KW=asm%2Embr[/url]
Edited by: vlad1979


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