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Family Table Dimensions in Drawing


New member
I've created a part with four instances and now want to create a drawing for the four instances. Is it possible to create a parametric table in a drawing? Or is it possible to show the family table in a drawing.

I've read a few posts here and the closest I've come to solving this problem is using the following syntax in the table: &parameter:130 But I haven't had complete success with this.

If I understand that syntax correctly I can use the dimension name in place of "parameter" above and the number 130 represents the session ID.

But... when I close ProE and reopen the parts get assigned a new session ID so my table is no longer parametric. I've also come across "component ID." Whats the difference? How do I find a component ID?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Study up on tables with repeat regions. You can get the family table to automatically populate the table.

Session ID's are only temporary for that session and are dependent on the order you open parts and how many you have open.
James- Wow! That first video looks like exactly what I need. I will try this later on today or tomorrow.




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