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drawing table - assembly


New member

I have a big problem in pro engineer. First I can't see the hatch of my local cut. Some time with my mouse when i pointed my arrow mouse in the hatch area they appear in red and when I moove my mouse they disappear.

Second I have a problem with my table, I don't know how to show the part of my under assembly. I have creat a big assembly with some other smallassembly and what I would like is to show in my automatic table, some part of the small assembly.

Thanks for your help
For the table issue, try 'table 'repeat region 'flat/rec, pick inside the region, then select the item you want to show in parts list.

For the hatching, try query select (right click) in the area where the hatch should be. Check the lower left status bar until you see the 'hatch' selected. then left click to select and it should be in the hatch/edit mode.

Hatching sounds like a graphics issue. Built in graphics and gamer cards don't cut it. What video card are you using?

thanks every body for the table I have use the flat/rec to expend my table

and about the hatch,The problemcame fromone radius in a part.

Now it works I have my beatiful drawing behind my eyes

thanks very mutch

I've justinstalled Wf5 after using Wf4 for long time.

I have a serious problem with creating tables.My own-created(in Wf4 and working) BOM table cannot work properly,allways miss one parameter.This means all the cells are filled except

the quantity,the entire coloumn is empty.Furthermore,if i want to create a table in wf4 like before,the same problem appears!

Has anybody already met this porblem?Should i uninstall Wf5 and get back to Wf4?

Maybe something was overwritten during installation?


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