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Drawing more recent than model??


New member
Hey all,
I am using PDMLink, or Windchill 8, or whatever you are supposed to call it.

I still, from time to time, get the message "WARNING: This drawing is more recent than the model."

How is this even possible when using PDMLink????

Actually, what does this even mean and how does it happen??
It means you changed something in your drawing that is affecting the model. Could just be a layer change etc. It should show up in winchil or intralink that the model has been modified.
This is because of your workspace data(Model/part) are not updated.

This part will show in workspace as "OUT OF DATE OBJECT"

you can check this thing in embedded Browser for the workspace.

you can update the model then it will not show you this message.


Yes - what to call it. cant think of anything that would not suspend me from this forum. It's been a major PITA ever since we moved from Intralink. But there are many factors that can play a role. Evrything from the bandwith, hardware, software, cad.admins and users. One of my biggest issue with PDMLink is the cryptic error and warning messages. Why cant PTC spend a little more time to add possible actions to resolve these warnings and errors? in stead I have to visit their support page and hope for an understanable explanation there. Like in this case:

Solution Details - TPI 21808

What does the following warning message mean when retrieving a drawing?: "This drawing is more recent than the model."

Alternate Technique
See Resolution below.

This message indicates that the last time the drawing was saved, it was referencing a later version of the model than is currently available.
I agree Knut, the warnings are a bit hard to understand.

But I still do not understand how it is even possible that "the drawing was saved, it was referencing a later version of the model than is currently available." That does not seem possible to me, especially when using PDMLink.

And while we're at it, PTC Tech support SUCKS. Everyday, those "tech support engineers" get dumber and dumber. I haven't had an issue resolved in months when the "engineer" didn't have to get back to me after figuring it out for himself first.
How it can happen? I agree that it shouldn't, it's one of the first resons to use PLM sytems. It would depend on the situation I guess. If Eng1 is working on the drawing, he will have a version of the model in workspace - not necessarily checked out. If Eng2 checks in a new version/iteration of the model, and Eng1 does not update the model in the drawing before cheking in only the drawing. It might happen? But then I ask:Should not PDMLink (or whatever)verify that the references are up to date? Or simply that someone has cheked in a new version of the model and the drawing is not updated.

I truly do not trust the PDMLink because so many strange things have happend. I never seem to get to terms with it. It is more gasoline on the "not made by/for enginers" fire
It can happen, when another user changes the drawing and check in the drawing alone (Not the model)... when u checkout the updated drawing, u will have the older model --> Leading to a warning message that drawing is more recent than the model.
"And while we're at it, PTC Tech support SUCKS. Everyday, those "tech support engineers" get dumber and dumber. I haven't had an issue resolved in months when the "engineer" didn't have to get back to me after figuring it out for himself first."

I couldn't agree with you more. I have solved most of our problems for PTC. I have had the same More recent than the model problem and sent a problem report to ptc about it. They had no idea why that was a bad thing and didn't solve the problem.

If you check the Open in Pro button when you add to workspace DON'T. This will cause this problem as well as others.

Anyway. This is one problem I didn't keep good notes on.If it hasn't been solved yet try this. If you can, remove the drawing and part from your workspace. Add the latest part first and then add the drawing. If you can't remove it then just add the latest part to your workspace. Update or Synch didn't work. If you get it to work delete your workspace and create a new one.


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