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Dimension Tols and decimal places


New member

I'm dimensioning a part and create a dimension manually. Value comes out as 52.98mm, fair enough. Now I want to add a plus and minus tol to the dimension of +0.25 -0. I also want to alter the nominal dimension to 53mm. I can't seem to change the decimal value without it effecting the tol values i.e. changing to 1 decimal place changes the +0.25 tol to +0.3, is there a option to over ride this?

Any help would be great.

Cheers Rob
You can not have more decimal places in the tolerance than in the dimension. You can suppress trailing zeroes in dimensions, it is a drawing .dtl option, lead_trail_zeroes, I believe. It is best to stick to standard drawing conventions however.
You have a dimension and you want to put tolerances on it leads to the conclusion that this is a significant dimension. If it is significant then this should be reflected in the design of the model. So I would suggest you change or tweak the model in a way that 52.98 can bethe real 53 you want it to be. If not then this dimension is a reference and shouldn't be toleranced.


The model is copied geom, that I have had to use, other people have messed around with it so much that it's in a complete mess, I am a contractor so do not want to mess with the design intent. It's not the way I would choose to work, as what you all say is very correct, but the way in which the data has been handled has made correcting or changing the model very difficult indeed!! Thanks for your replies and I have managed to learn something new so that's all good!!


Fora single surface you can add a datum parallel and at the correct distance after which you can replace the "messed up" surface with the constructed datum. The rest of the part "grows" to accomodate for the different position.



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