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asymmetric cone


New member

A collegue of mine asked me to halp out modeling an asymmetric cone (surfaces), but after lots of trying I also couldn't find how to do it. Maybe someone else knows.

Imagine a simpole cone with a sharp point. Now instead of the cone point being on the center axis of the cone it is offeset somewhere else. The ground surface is not circular but elleptical or some kind of spline.

Is this possible and how do I model something like that?
Many thanks in advance ...
offset your base datum for the required height. create your base sketch ( Ellipse ) then create a simmilar ellipse on your top datum. you can boundary blend between the two to create the body of the cone. Then through the central datum sketch using a Conic arc with tangencies then boundary blend the Cap.
Edited by: [-Skint-]
Thank you for the fast reply!

But when I understand correctly, you suggestion will create a rounded tip instead of a sharp tip. That's the problem I haven't been able to solve (yet)...
oh I see, you want it at an absolute sharp point ? You can do a boundary blend from an ellipse to a single datum point.
Edited by: [-Skint-]
Just tried it and it works! It really is that simple...Thank you!!

I tried sketching an ending point, since a boundary blend usually is between 2 curves/sketches. That way it didn't work and I guess I was to stupid to just try using a datum point instead of a sketched point...
Zestje said:
Just tried it and it works! It really is that simple...Thank you!!

I tried sketching an ending point, since a boundary blend usually is between 2 curves/sketches. That way it didn't work and I guess I was to stupid to just try using a datum point instead of a sketched point...

You can also sketch a line and then ref the end of the line for the point in the Boundary Blend
Just to try things differently, I tried it using a VSS. It seems to work but when the top point of the cone gets too far over, some thing weird seems to happen with the surface. The zebra analysis looks ok but the surface itself doesn't....anyone got any ideas???


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