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Adding Dimensions


New member
I have a sketch open and have created a basic layout for a rectangle. I am struglling to add strong dimensions. whenever i click the add dim or modify dim button, i am prompted to select items first. I click ok and selct 2 entities within the sketch between which I want to add a dimension and then hit add dim again, it still asks me to selct items.

I could easily edit the weak dims but the intention is to add new dims which reference different entities. help please
1)Pick the dimension icon
2)Select the line or lines to dimension
3)Middle mouse button to place the dimension

I don't know why they bother with the OK/Cancel box, it does nothing and goes away when you pick another command.
i have the same opinion about that box, I just don't like it. In solidworks you don't get that, and there is nothing like weak and strong dimensions, just one dim to make things easy
and how can i avoid making a dimension orthogonal ie constraining it to be horz or vertl. Just like it AutoCAD here one can choose to me a dim aligned or orthogonal
It all depends on what you pick. Pick end points and it will ask if you want horizontal or vertical dimension. Pick a line & it will always be the length. Pick 2 parallel lines & it will be the separation. Pick two angled lines and it will be the angle. Pick an arc and it will be a radius, pick an arc twice & it will be a diameter. Pick a line, centerline & first line again & it will be a diameter. There are additional techniques for arc length, conics, etc. Overall much better than AutoMAD because you get all dimension types with one command. You just have to learn how to use it.


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