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trailing zeros in a parameter


New member
Hello need your help please.

How can the trailing zerosbe removed when a parameter is inserted into a table?

(btw using 'dimension'; 'num digits' in the model dimension does not work.)

Also how is it possible to adda real tolerance (parametric /associative) to the parameter as shown in a drawing table (not just text) The parameter type is 'real number'


This is normally a manual process with "Format >Decimal Places", but can be controlled:
ceil (parameter_name or number, number_of_dec_places)floor (parameter_name or number, number_of_dec_places)
ceil (10.2) evaluates to 11
floor (
If you are talking about parameters in drawings tables use the following format:



param_name - parameter name

nd - desired number of digits


How can we add this in automatic BOM table format. Sorry I am not a good user of drawing, although I use mechanisms very well.

Thanks very much all ....but ....what about assigning the tolerance to the parameter and showing that in the table cell too?



Simply edit your automatic BOM table and add, where required, the "[.dec_places]". You text should look like:


Note: edit just the first cell in a column.


There is no way you can directly define tolerances for a parameter. You need to create 2 new parameters (lower and upper tolerance) then add their values to yor text.

For a superscript textuse @+<your_text>@#, for a subscript @-<your_text>@#
Hi all

Joy of 1/2 done legacy work:-

This model was one I had to use, where the parameters were also used for some of the dimension IDs.

If the Dimension IDs had been left native, then they could have been put into the table cells and it all would have been a 'walk in the park' ho hum.



What I have noticed about fractions is, parameters are too screwy to
make into fractions. However, you can change a dimension to
fractions, then show it in a BOM table. I often use a reference
dimension to show fractions, so that I can keep the original value as a

Once I have the reference dimension, I create a note (in the model) and
use the reference dimension in the note in the format I want to show it
in the BOM. While in the note box, make sure ot jot down the ID number
trailing the note name.

Then, you can add a parameter of data type NOTE and put the number you
jotted down in the field (note parameters only accept a note ID
number). Now, when you add this parameter to the BOM table, it
should appear exactly as it does in the model window.

I hope I got all of this right as I am not in front of a Pro/E session, but you should get the gist.



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