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"options window" viewing


New member
Hello everyone,

I am having an issue with Creo 3.0 which is really annoying :confused:
When I click on "settings" in the left panel, the window opens but in a weird way, like I am missing something... So I can see all the options but dont see the bottom frame where the button "OK" is! Even if I try to resize the window, I cannot see it properly... I thought it could be related to VC++ so I downloaded and installed a newer version, but still no change!

Someone can help me??


What is your screen resolution?

Unfortunately, there is no way to make Creo Parametric dialog boxes open to a smaller size. However, I've found for many of them, the middle mouse button will close the window when you can't reach the buttons at the bottom. (Usually that happens to me when I'm using an older projector that forces me to a low screen resolution.)


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