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Variable Section Sweep Tool


New member
I would like to ask one of the commands of Pro-e which is VARIABLE SECTION SWEEP TOOL.

Please provide me the sound detail about making a small object by using this tool.

I could spend over an hour 'talking fast' with examples about this tool. (and do in my week long surfacing class)

I use the VSS tool mostly for driving ISDX free form surface geometry.By driving I mean forcing draft in a feature before the ISDX geometry exists.Take a plastic part for example. Many plastic parts now days don't just have a flat parting line... they utilize a compound parting surface. imagine this. project a part's outer boundary to a parting surface and sweep a surface about that projected curve, call it a trajectory. Then use that single curve to sweep a 2mm long section along that compound curve with respect to a pull direction... Pro/E calls this in a pull down "normal to a projection".

This swept surface is often called a ribbon.

Now use your free form surfacing geometry to look at that ribbon to ensure no scrap marks occur on a part when it is ejected from a tool before plastic has cooled completely.

There I tried to give detailed example on when and how to use a VSS tool.
Edited by: design-engine
If you're looking for the basics of creating a VSS feature, I'd suggestreading through the Pro/E help files. The instructions on how to create the feature are already written there.


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