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Collision Check - Extra Functionality


New member
I work in an environment, probably like many others, where thereare no assemblies requiring motion study. Our assemblies are mainly rack based systems of fixed position mechanical parts or electrical assemblies contained within sealed enclosures.

The current analysis tools for "Collision Detection" are geared towards motion analysis.

What we need as a company is to be able to check for part collisions (where one part interferes with another by say -0.05mm or more) thus ignoring normal mate/alignment relationships and showing only those parts in an entire assembly which collide with each other.

Perhaps this can be achieved by the inclusion of a "collision dimension setting" in the "Global Interference" pop up that allows you to put in a -0.05mm criteria to check against.

In summary, a very simplistic but efficient part/assembly "Collision" checking tool for NON-Motion parts and assemblies.

I look forward to it's development as it would save many companies alot of money when it comes to error free designs at point of manufacture.
Edited by: Canners
I think Pro/E made your wish already real

Analysis > Model > Global Interference...

you can see which parts are interfering each other in assembly mode.
Yes - But when using it the tool basically lists every single part in the assembly as it see's simple mates, alignments etc as "Interference"

Hence the request for a setting within the tool that allows the user to enter a real collision / interferance negative measurement i.e -0.05mm which will then ONLY list true collision possibilities and not all the standard correctly referenced parts etc
Canners said:
Yes - But when using it the tool basically lists
every single part in the assembly as it see's simple mates, alignments
etc as "Interference"

Are you sure about that? I do not think pro/E sees simple constraints as interference.
Anyway, to be able to specify a value for the allowable interference would be good.

So another option, here you go

you can use "global clearance" option to see the distance between the parts and you can specify a negative value so you can see also interferences. hopefully
(I did not try it)
What we need as a company is to be able to check for part collisions (where one part interferes with another by say -0.05mm or more) thus ignoring normal mate/alignment relationships and showing only those parts in an entire assembly which collide with each other.

well, there is a work around to solve the task your are prompting to - if I were you I would select the part I want to perform interference analisys in assemble. Single part! Then Pro/E offers you Volume interference check.

Open selected part, copy all solid surfaces and offset this quilt about value of interference you want to evaluate, so in this example 0.05 mm

Return to assembly, select Volume Interference, pick up quilt made by offset and bua la...
If I understand correctly I would say you're seeing the components mounted on a pcb interfering to the pcb? so any through hole connections are showing up? Here is an alternate technique.
The PCB must be a sub assembly.
Make a part in the pcb sub assembly called check and merge all parts together in one solid with the check part as the target. As Jack said add an offset for some factor of safety. Make a simplified rep with just the one merged part and all others excluded. Go the main assembly and substitute the simplified rep with just the one merged part. Then Analysis > Model > Global Interference... Similar can be done for all the sheet metal and pem nuts as if drawn correctly there sill be issues there as well.



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