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DXF Metric conversion


New member
I would like to convert 2d metricproe drawing into metric DXF file. My Proe version translate the file but only in imperial version. It doesn't keep the originalunit of the translated file.

Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?

from memory

put this into your

dxf_out_drawing_scale yes

dxf_out_scale_views yes

have a look at them dxf options in config pro
DXF files are neither metric nor imperial they are just x units by y units

If you want it to be specifically metric or imperial, create a new
drawing in your target system, specify the units you want it to be in
and then import the dxf.

Importing a dxf into Pro/E has potentially the same problems as any
other CAD system. I would avoid using dxfs and instead use IGES to
transfer a drawing from one system to another


Edited by: Dell_Boy


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