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Indexing Connection


New member
Dear Friends,

Here myself is facing some problem in connecting a indexing Cam to a roller plate.

Please see attatched image file & help me out howshould I make the connection between cam & roller plate.

Input is that when Indexing cam rotates 360° then Roller plate rotates only 10° because it is having 36 positions. I made slot-follower connection but only single position do work, I want to simulate whole 360° roller plate .

Cananyone will lead the responsibility for its perfect solution.

Thanks in advanced.......


View attachment 1094
Have you tried to use cam connections (surfaces to surfaces with lift off enabled)?

It may be a long process to set them all up (36) but it should get you what you need.
Allen is correct that the cam connection should work with lift off, just that if the diameters are close on the slot it might job as shown in the image, if thats the case try using just one half of the pin side and one of the walls on the driver.

Can you contact me at this mail ([email protected]), I was designinga globoidal cam like that and animate then, but I like toknow how you design your indexer cam. Can you helpme with that?



can u send me , i'm also doing somw what like this

its a great design


hai friends ,

i am facing a problem in pro mechanica ,can any one help me in solving it .i need to set a connection between the slot on yellow part and the slot follower .the red part moves at a rate of 2PI radians for 10 sec and the yellow part has to move thrice in that time weh it is engaged to the slot follower ie., the the pink pin .at the rest of the time the yellow part should not move .i need it urgently can any one hel me. i am attaching the image as zip file


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