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Laser 5 axis


New member
We are using milling sequences (5 axis) to create the laser 5 axis sequence because the NC sheetmetal provides only 2 axis. Am I doing it right or is there something in NC sheetmetal that allows me to work with 5 axis?


Nothing wrong that I can see. NC-Sheetmetal doesn't allow for
that type of sequence, but there is (obviously) no reason why
Pro/NC -Mill can't handle a 5 axis laser. You just have to get creative
with the cutting tool values and parameters to make sure you get what
you want.

Thank you indigo2 for the info. We got the file pos precessed, but the only problem now is to turn on and off the laser. We are trying something with the pierce command.


eng_sup -

You'll probably have to use something like an Aux NC Sequence to add a
cl command to control the on/off status of the laser. Then, you can
have something in the FIL portion of the post (assuming you use GPOST)
that handles the on/off command in the tape file.

At least that's one possible solution...

Another idea is to use rapid moves as laser off moves, and feed moves as laser on moves.

That makes for a much faster Pro/Nc programs.



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