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ram and pagefile settings


Running a mechanism on an assembly, got 7 or eight motors in on a 2.6Ghz Pentium with 512Mb RAM. After three analysis runs, the Ram is down to 11Mb free and the pagefile increases around 70 to 80Mb till it hists its limit. The limit has been increased but machine grinds to a halt after a couple of hours more analysis running. I've asked for an increase to the RAM to at least 1Gb. Anyone got any settings etc any options for memory usage etc.



Dunno if this would help, but we have our page file set to 1024MB (this is for every hard drive on the pc ). What OS r u running on ?
Set pagesys file to 1500 min 2000 max if you don't have the 3gig switch set in the boot file.

Check taskmanager to see whats eating up the ram, make sure no other programs are running.
whats the 3 gig switch, no other progs running etc outlook, always keep to minimum when running mechanism anyway. Anyway of flushing pagefile so it doesnt build up during the day. have just upped to 1Gb RAM and lasts longer but still filling up.



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