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Linked Pro E sessions failing


New member
I support about 14 UNIX workstations running ProIntralink 3.3 and linked or unlnked Proe sessions. A problem with about half of this groups is the ProE session will literally disapear in the middle of a save, a regeneration, or just making modificatons to a drawing. THere is no core dump. Most times any changes made by the engineer are lost. This could happen up to 5 times a day per user.

I have upgraded users to SOLARIS 9 4/04, I have switched them to different network ports, I have monitored the lan and wan, checked log files and cannot come upwtih a reason why this is happening. It all started when we went to ProIntralink 3.3 and may happen to a link or unlinked ProE session.

Any ideas?
Hi alex:

Since you are using Intralink. It happened to me with the Intralink then I learned the hardway:

1. Keep less no. of workspace in your Intralink.

2. Name the workspaces within 4 to 5 digits.

3. Check weather or not any workspace got corrupted.

4. check in all the old workspace assebmlies and delete them after checked in.

Good luck!


Edited by: hp17


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