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Upgrading Intralink Host Server


New member

I am installing a newIntralink Server (named Jupiter). Currently our Host Server Name is Neptune. I have created a Data Dump File and imported this into the Data Server and File server on Jupiter. There are references to Neptune in the Data that was imported.

I am not sure on how to change these links from Neptune to Juptier. There is a DSMU program installed with Intralink, but I do not know how to change the vault information (ie Jupiter C:\ptc\vault from Neptune D:\ptc\vault

Any Help would be greatly welcome

To rename a fileserver use sqlplus

At the prompt enter:-sqlplus system/manager ( assuming you have kept standard passwords )

SQL> select fsvid, fsvhost from pdm.pdm_fileserver;

SQL> update pdm.pdm_fileserver
2 set fsvhost='jupiter'
3 where fsvid='1';
1 row updated.
SQL> select fsvid, fsvhost from pdm.pdm_fileserver;

SQL> commit;

To rename a datavault

sqlplus system/manager

SQL> select poolid, poolpath from pdm.pdm_pool;
101C:\ptc\da tavaults

102 P:\ptc\datavaults

SQL> update pdm.pdm_pool
2 set poolpath='D:\ptc\datavaults'
3 where poolid='101';
1 row updated.
SQL> selectpoolid, poolpath frompdm.pdm_pool;
101D:\ptc\da tavaults

102 P:\ptc\datavaults


No changes will be made until you commit, so if you make a mistake just quit and it will resort back to before update. You will have to stop/start the fileserver and dataserver.
Edited by: Bill Thomson
To sort the filevault references, try this:

- install a file server on your new machine
- run the DSMU program
- in the Vault menu, createFile Server & add your new server details
- Vault > Move File vault > enter your old & new server info, & foldername
- it'll ask you to move the vault files -copy over all the .prt, .asm files from neptune to jupiter

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your responses. Proed we are attempting your method, but the DSMU hangs when we pick create File Server. We can resize the tables using the DSMU.

Do we need to install the TOOLKIT and Client on the Server?

Thanks again

first, I've found the DSMU sometimes hangs during fileserver tasks, usually restarting the program sorts this...

you don't need Toolkit for any of this, since it's all standard functionality.


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