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physical movement

Hello everybody, I am a starter in pro/e wildfire. I have just created my assembly...and would like to know if there is a way to simulate physical movement in my assembly. Like in solidWorks.
depends if you have MDX or MDO license. FLEX3C has all related licenses. You will mechanism design and mechanism dynamics better than Solidworks here. To get a starter go to the installed directory of ProE Wildfire then

D:\ptc\wf2\demos\demo\mdx (your path may be different).

There are 3 tutorials and the help how to do these is inside the installed documentation online help.

the help is not available on the site. Its there installed in your system. Just go to help and click on GLobal Search, then write mechanism in the search area and simulation in the module and then click. You will find the 3 tutorials there. Just see through these or make a print of it.

try the mdx module of proe to manage efficient your movement

you will see that there is no comparision with solidworks


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