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When Wildfire is Gone


New member
While replying to another thread, PTC's next campaign hit me in a blinding flash of light (below is my reply).......


There's no way that PTC will do something like release a versioncalled Wildfire 10. They've learned their lesson from previous mistakes (PR mistakes that is). What they'll do is at about WF5 maybe 6, they'll have a big day out for the top brass and announce the their latest(and I assume greatest, beats everything on the planet, better than sliced bread, blah, blah, blah...) product called some new name that impresses nobody (actually just thought of a great new thread, go to rant 'n rave for a look) has hit the shelves.

Problem solved

So to help PTC in their new venture.....

What would you suggest the next generation software's name should be?

Someplace in the world there is always a Wildfire buring!

"Wildfires are dangerous, hard to control, and economically catastrophic."
ProE Supernova

A supernova is a stellar explosion which produces an extremely luminous object that is initially made of plasma
Very clever robrific....

I like the idea of the supernova, there seems an almost poetic feel to the end scenario.

One thing that might be of interest is the sum of all the supernovas (not sure that that is the plural of supernova and am too lazy to look for the answer). As the universe ages, all the hot spots (planets, stars, galaxies, clusters etc) will slowly disapate their energy and we will end up with a uniform (COLD) universe.

Where will ProE and all its competitors be then...

Pro Engineer Hurricane. No, wait . Pro/Engineer Tsunami. Sounds deadly, conquers everything in it path.

Well thats the problem when you start giving names. It becomes a situation where one has to sound bigger and badder than the last. Soon you end up like monster truck series announcer, or WWE wrestling, where you just have to yell with a harsh voice when you say anything.They should have stayed with numbers or years, IMO.
FishNut said:
thats the problem when you start giving names. It becomes a situation where one has to sound bigger and badder than the last. Soon you end up like monster truck series announcer, or WWE wrestling, where you just have to yell with a harsh voice when you say anything.They should have stayed with numbers or years, IMO.

So what about Pro Engineer Super Tsunami or Pro Engineer Super Dooper Tsunami, aaaahhhh I see what you mean

Do we need to wait for a new version for the PITA to be reality?

You can alwasy buy the Pro/Fanity module to vent your frustrations with.
Pro/E Campfire might be nice. Use it to roast marshmallows, maybe a little Kumbaya with the old acoustic guitar...

I had a look at the SW forum (Rant n' Rave section) and it has four entries, so where else would the SW users go for a good discussion but over to their good buddies in ProE world....

Just had a thought (especially for you SW guys), maybe a good translator between both platforms could be called Pro/Gressive

Another add-on for people who are new to ProE (finally changing from SW) could be Pro/Frustration which once completed will erase all memory of previous versions/packages that may have been used in a former life....

Rumour has it that this has been developed and deployed via the internet as a worm that only attacks hose PC's that have non ProE licences



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