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Need help with datum curve

Have you tried the Wrap tool in wf2?

1. Model your base bottlesolid (E.g. create the surface want to wrap the curve to).

2. Select your sketched curve

3.Edit > Wrap

ProE will project your curve onto the surface and wrapit aroundthe surface.
YesI've tried the wrap tool. But it seems that it only works on cylinders. If I used "wrap" on the shoulder or on an inclined cylindrical surface it does'nt work.

"Projection" works but the sketch will be distorted on the surface not parallel to the sketch plane.
Wrap does not work on non-calcuable surfaces, in other words if you have a combination of curves it just cannot calculate it, went through similar here. This was direct from PTC, cones, cylinders and other shapes like that it can work on.
Just an idea:

Can you wrap this curve onto two cylinders, one smaller than you bottle dia, and one larger? Then make a surface between the two, and intersect that with your bottle.

i don't know if that worls, but it's perhaps worth a try?
Thanks sip, just what slachct said if it's a cylinder ther's no problem. The problem is it's not a cylinder, its a conbination of radii. Wish PTC has a way of doing it.

Well slashct what did you do? Did you find a way?
What I had to do is make a surface that was close to the original in a conic, my original was a funky round shape and is small so the difference when they mold the part would be really really hard to tell, plus the depth went to a cylinderical surface on the inside. I first made the surface on the inside than made the mentioned conical one and than made a whole pile of surfaces of the logo we were making, than was able to solidfy it and cut it away. Ended up with like 60 features for what I thought should be a simple logo...



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